Our vision: investing in the future of travel
At Navigatr Group we invest thoughtfully in travel companies that elevate the customer experience, create value, and drive innovation. Our vision is a synergistic and collaborative ecosystem of industry power brands that are focused on accelerated growth and profitability.
This investment goes well beyond capital. An unparalleled aspect of Navigatr Group’s offering is the best-in-class central services expertise with which we propel our portfolio companies to success. This in-house team of marketing, finance, legal, systems and infrastructure, and HR leaders helps each business maximize efficiencies and focus squarely on growth; it’s a capability that is cost-effective, scalable, and extremely effective.
Our investment is also manifested through the technology and procurement of our portfolio company TripArc, whose industry-leading booking platforms transform the effectiveness of our travel professionals while multiplying their revenue opportunities.
Equally important at Navigatr Group is our philanthropy. Our passion for travel is rooted in our shared human need to explore and connect with the world around us; helping our world become more sustainable and investing in our collective future is the focus of our charitable giving.
This is how Navigatr Group is building a stronger, more profitable, and more purposeful travel industry. And we are always looking for smart, well-led travel companies to join us.
$4.5 billion
total annual sales
5 million
total annual transactions
1 million
total clients to date